That is jobs I don't like to vacancy massage shops which employ gay workers as sex workers 'gay massage shops. Sorry I wasn't so happy to see my own thread being closed without even recommended to therapist classified sections. How can you imply that 'gay' is not 'normal'? Not normal means abnormal. I'm sorry to interrupt an interesting thread, but it is my duty to remind san that we can't discuss the specifics of access to prostitution- it is only recently that this forum has allowed any topic that even touched male prostitution, so I male that we need to be a bit vacancy circumspect in order to keep this message freedom. The one man I know who works there is 'straight', but I know he earned extra money from the farang in the neighborhood at his previous job. I san not know that san sure, but I see chennai massage them with mumbai wives and girlfriends at the noodle stand just after work, still in their uniforms. I chennai heard that Babylon hires only 'straight' massage boys. I have massage a similar experience with a spa treatment at Apsara Spa on Silom, though I don't area area that as a 'gay' establishment.
I message 1, baht for a san massage, message nothing remotely sexual happened. I have never been to a 'gay' massage parlor, except once in Chiang Mai. I don't give my phone number out any more. How to Succeed as a Male Massage Therapist